This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 8 [Mon, Oct 7th] - Tasks

  1. Submit the quiz


  1. Implement increments Level-7, A-MoreOOP, A-Packages


1 Implement increments Level-7, A-MoreOOP, A-Packages

Optional, but recommended: To practice Git branching, implement each increment as a separate branch. Given below are the steps:

  1. Create a branch with a suitable name e.g., branch-Level-7.
  2. Checkout that branch, and implement the Level-7 increment in that branch, while committing at appropriate points.
  3. Switch back to the master branch.
  4. Merge the branch-Level-7 to the master branch.
  5. Repeat the above steps for the remaining increments.
Duke Level-7: Save

Duke A-MoreOOP: More OOP

Duke A-Packages: Java Packages